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At Acuity, one of the many obstacles our clients face in their initial stages is low conversion rates. We have seen this in both B2B and B2C companies. After all, there is no point investing heavily in lead generation when you haven’t prepared the processes to qualify them – or the right incentives in place to entice and convert them.

Many marketers are pressured by their management, sales, and leadership teams to generate more leads. However, this often goes together with higher costs. Imagine an alternative where you could increase both your revenue and profit margins without having to dish out more advertising investment to attract more leads.


How you can generate high-quality leads

Almost two-thirds of marketing executives admit that finding high-quality leads is a challenge. This doesn’t have to be the case. Much rides on how you acquire information about your prospects and how effectively you use it to nurture those leads.

Let’s take forms as an example. There is a big difference between a painful process that takes over 15 minutes to complete and a meaningful continuation of the user experience that enhances the journey. Companies should consider timing, length, and user experience to find the right approach to improve engagement and interest for a significant increase in conversion rates.

Of course, it doesn’t end there. Data from your forms (as well as other sources such as LiveChat plug-ins, social media, etc.) should directly feed into your CRM system. Progressive profiling can help you nurture leads until they are sales-ready: only then should they passed to the sales team to be converted. Deploying your CRM system’s capabilities to process leads in this way offers several key benefits:

It allows your teams to have a concentrated understanding of the sales pipeline, and allows them to direct their energy and prioritize those leads requiring attention;

It allows team supervisors and managers to have detailed visibility on sales activities and ripening opportunities;

It also allows marketing teams to group their prospective customers into meaningful segments that can be used to track, report, and deliver targeted communications.

A smart approach to setting up your CRM systems can redirect your teams’ energy strategically into those leads that are ripe for nurturing and conversion. This can be achieved, for example, through automated lead scoring that takes the guesswork out of prioritising leads; or by customizing dashboards that automates and speeds up the process of measuring and tracking conversion rates. Tailoring your CRM system helps ensure that your IT setup is suited to your business processes (and not the other way around!)


At Acuity, we work with you to ensure that you’re maximizing your commercial benefits with a customized CRM system that grows your leads and nurtures sales. To learn more, reach out to our digital consultants.

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